Saturday, September 12, 2009

最后,我在星期五的3.30am终于完成了整个形式。我很高兴!在电话里,我告诉她们其中1 part是要四个人solo,但没人想扛起这个责任!我很不高兴的骂到:你们知不知道我有多辛苦?你们只需要篇1个8,我可是要想是整首歌!你们只会说没学过跳舞,不会篇,你们知不知道我也没学过扇子舞,还不是需要篇给你们!我不管!星期一我要看到你们的舞步!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

sin nee 的生日
前天是sin nee的生日,我和karwen 一起去timesquare 为sin nee 庆祝生日。当我和karwen到那里会合sin nee时,我突然发现原来sin nee化了妆。哈哈,没想到他还特地化妆呢。之后,我请了karwen和sin nee吃雪糕。还是名牌的雪糕呢。花了我RM 16勒。然后,我们到neway唱K,我们全部都唱走音。哈哈,到后来我们全部都乱乱唱了。过后,我们到戏院看戏。我们看3D movie 勒。但我的眼睛不舒服,所以我只好脱下3D 眼睛咯。真可惜啊!!之后,我们去拍大头贴。我们全部都摆些古灵精怪的动作。但全部照片里,我一张都没在中间。haiz.... 当完成了计划后,已是5:30 pm了,所以我们便搭车回去。最不想走的人生是sin nee 因为她不舍得karwen。我觉得啦。哈哈。真觉得自己是电灯泡!!! 最后,karwen 终于把sin nee送回家了。我希望可以在跟朋友度过生日!
今天是星期二,也是我重新上学的日子。我很期待因为我很想念朋友们。一大早,li how打给我,我并不知道打给我的原因,所以我接了他的电话。当我一接,原来他想向jian wern证明电话号码是我的。因为我千方百计想避开老大jian wern,没想到,li how出卖我,把我的号码给了他。他是学会的人,为什么没有灌输到学会的精神???他竟然还是gym boy.... 我很伤心,我干嘛那么单纯,我干嘛那么相信别人。我开始害怕上课。
我绕了很远的路才回到家。我突然发现原来我家的公寓是那么的大。当他们不再欺负我,掉头而去,我却忍不住坐在角落哭了起来。也有一部分的原因是因为老师给的压力。因为出校表演的日期就快到了,但我到现在还没有想到任何的舞步和歌曲。老师说,如果再没有想到任何的东西,校长将会对华人感到失望,那我会丢了华人的脸,也会丢了form 1 的脸。我不停的问自己,为什么?为什么?难道我那么讨人厌吗??为什么????hu.... hu...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sunday...!!!! ( before the performance days )
today i wake up at 8:30 am like tat la because i need go to bk for tomoro performance... im very happy because we first time performs at field and first time sleep in bk....!!!! startly, we got play a game call "cat catch mouse" and just practise until 1:15 pm like tat la because we will eat our lunch... after eating, we go to bk's field practise... tat time im feel very hot and tired and wan to drink water! because i forget bring my water to field... haiz... when we full run, shin nee's bearers suddenly drop at my head..!!!! oh no!!! i feel so painful..!!! hu... hu... ah bee jie jie ask me is ok?? can continue?? if cannot u come here and rest... i know we have no more time can practise already, so i say is ok... nothing else... ( but my heart say : i wan to rest!!!!! ).... then we have a game call suprise... hew sin nee join our group..!!!! omg... again same group with her...!!!! so we play many things... all also need to play water... haiz...after the game we go to bath and eat our dinner... yeah!!! we eat fried rice!!! i like it...!!! haha... then we continue the suprise, but now not playing, is hear sook yee jie jie share her experience and see some picture... then we sleep luu... we sleep early because we need to wake up at 4 am!!!! haiz...
im sick...!!!!
haiz.... when we all finish the performance and go back to bk, i start not feeling well... i think is when we play the suprise ( got play water la...) , then didnt rest very good so i sick..!!! aiyo... ah bee jie jie say if not feeling well must tell her... but now i still didnt tell her i sick already... if tomoro still like this, i must tell already lo... aiyo... i hope i can recover tomoro because i scared H1N1...!!!!!